Friday, May 20, 2016

Why A Blog for Women?

There is a Lack of Truth about Women in the World

The pursuit of Truth is the ultimate responsibility of every person, since God is Truth and we are created for union with Him. When there is no pursuit of Truth for its own sake, then there follows a natural degradation of the human person which reduces him to nothing other than a working machine, to turn out product and money. Man was created for Truth and its pursuit, and with the capacity to gain a deeply personal relationship with God. It is with this understanding that I am writing this blog. My goal is to form joyful, fulfilled, and loving Catholic women who seek Truth in every aspect of their life so that they can achieve an ever deeper understanding of Christ and their relation to Him.
Most women have no idea of their value and worth, and seek it in shallow or misleading places and relationships. Even many devout Catholics have no idea of Christ's and his Church's teachings on the dignity and vocation of women. If they do not understand this, then how can we, as Catholics who are called to evangelize, expect anyone else to understand? The Catholic Church must first form her own, and then she will be capable of reaching out to the world at large; but until her own children understand the love and call of God, then the culture and society will continue to flounder and seek answers in the wrong places.
My dream is to communicate Love to women. The vocation of each person is a gift of self (Guadium et Spes, 24), and the unique dignity of woman is her receptivity to love. These two themes (self-gift and receptivity-to-love) will be the central emphasis of the essays, stories, and articles in this blog. Through these resources, women will find tools to help them achieve joy and fulfillment even in the most mundane and trivial instances of their lives. They will then be able to communicate their understanding of these themes to the world. Everything will revolve around Christ, emphasizing his loving, sacrificial gift, and his active love toward his Beloved. When a woman understands how to be feminine, and thinks about the problems of the world in light of her unique dignity, she will desire to live that dignity to the best of her ability, and that very life will bring forth great fruits upon society. Transforming society and the world is my ultimate goal, and such an endeavor must begin with knowledge; it must begin with love, teaching and understanding in the individual woman.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds wonderful!!! Welcome to the Catholic blogosphere! :)
