Saturday, June 18, 2016

A Great Gift of Grace

As I boarded my flight last Tuesday, June 7, I was very excited for the week awaiting me, but I had no actual idea of what was in store. I was on my way for the first time to Washington D.C. to attend the very first Catholic Young Women's Leadership Forum called Given. And it was a true gift.
I expected to encounter networking, information on how to start a young women's group in my area, and also to grow in my faith a little, since I knew we would have daily mass and daily adoration. I was not expecting the overflow of graces that I actually received. 

Mary is good, and knows much better than I what exactly it is that I need. So while I received some of those things (networking and info) ultimately, I grew in leaps in my faith this last week. As I flew back on Sunday, I reflected on all the peace that flooded my heart. At breakfast that morning, one of the attendees, reflecting on her experience of the week, commented that she did not feel like she was on a spiritual high that often follows a retreat. Rather, there was a deep calm that ran all through her, and could not be plunged from her heart by any depressing or difficult things that she would encounter at home. 
I agreed with her at the time, and now, after almost a week at home, I can attest to the truth of her statement. Mary knew my weakness and last week she gently exposed it to the light  and softly healed it. My ability to trust in Christ, while before was only theory and wishful hoping, has since blossomed and overflowed. I am no longer filled with fear of the future, or of my own weaknesses. 
The greatest thing that I learned at the Given Forum was not the head knowing of fact and truth, but the deep seated knowledge of God's Merciful Diving Plan for me. Just being able to rest in his plan, with all of its twists, turns, plunges, and soars, is a great grace. 
One thing that I highly recommend after this week, a practical tool that brings great benefit from just learning about it, is The Discernment of Spirits by Fr. Timothy Gallagher O.M.V. It brings the ability to tell when we are truly living in accord with God's plan, or else psyching ourselves out about not being good enough, or doing things that are good enough. But 'God does not call us to do great things, but small things with great love' (Mother Teresa, paraphrased). And when we are doing his will, no matter how small his request, we accomplish the great work that is his Divine Plan.

I can not thank all the communities of sisters enough for the great gift that they gave us in putting on the Given Conference. Thank You All.

If you would like to know more about Given, please check out these links: (look under the events tab)

I hope and pray that this event can be put on again, and more Catholic Young Women can benefit from this Great Gift of God's Love.

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